Hyperengage: Smart alerting for GTM teams

Welcome to Hyperengage! 👋. Hyperengage tracks thousands of data points to trigger smart alerts on hidden opportunities when the accounts are ready for upsell, or likely to churn. By integrating product data into your GTM strategy, our platform empowers CSM’s and AE’s to achieve up to 5x higher lead conversion and better retention and adoption.


  • Views: Discover top users and accounts, enriched with insightful data grouped by ideal customer profiles.
  • Signals: Stay updated with real-time user activity notifications via email and slack that drive action.
  • Playbook Automation System: Centralise next best actions for your team to build a repeatable system.
  • Automations: Eliminate manual inputs and synchronize data across Go-To-Market tools instantly.

Core Concepts

Before diving into setting up Hyperengage, you should know the 4 key concepts that make up Hyperengage:

  1. Events: (Dimensions) The interactions and activities within your product.
  2. Users: The individuals interacting with your product.
  3. Companies: The businesses benefiting from your product.
  4. Traits: (Attributes) The distinct characteristics of your users and companies.

To effectively set up Hyperengage, comprehending the synergy between these elements is vital. If you have some questions or need help getting started, don’t hesitate to email team@hyperengage.io!